content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1' name='viewport'/> Top 5 most powerful assault rifels in pubg mobile

Top 5 most powerful assault rifels in pubg mobile

Pubg mobile is onè pf the most popular game in Worldwide pubg is unknown battleground game.

Ar is most equipped wepon in pubg mobile.

So first look to 5 most powerful and saveg wepon in pubg mobile.

1.) GROZA 

Groza is one of the most deadly gun in pubg and most high damage wepon to compare to other wepon and groza usse 7.62mm ammunition and damge of 47.
Groza is beast on close combate with high firring rate of 0.080 seconds and size of magazine of 30 rounds.

Groza is the very rare gun groza is drop exclusive assault rife in pubg mobile and with the fact it is an insanely effective weapon makes it a must pick weapon for players.

2.) M416 

M416 is one of the most powerful and used wepon in the game. Total damage of 41 and ussed 5.56mm ammunition the wepon magazine size of 30 rounds ammo
With excellent firring rate and takes only 0.0847 between three shots.

Most players consider the M416 as one of the most consistent and reliable Assault Rifles in the game.

3.) AUG (A3)

Aug a3 one the most powerful weapon
In pubg mobile highest damge of 5.56mm assault rifels hit dmage of 42 and usse 5.56mm ammunition with high firring rate of 0.0857 seconds with a 30 rounds magazine size.AUG a3 is easy to control with massive damege in close  and mid range battel.this gun dose depend on a lots of attachments to be effective.

Aug a3 is very rare wepon this gun is drop exclusive wepon in pubg mobile.

4.) M762 ( beryl)

M762 is one of the most powerful weapon with second highest damage of in  7.62mm ammunition it has an excellent hit damage of 4y with high firring rate 0.086 seconds and this wepon uses 7.62mm ammunition and Magazine size of 30-rounds.

The m762 is 4 position on this list because its ability reduce recoil with using proper attachments beryl is beast on close combate fighs.

Best attachments for this wepon laser and thumb grip.

5.) AKM (AK47)

Akm is one of the best wepon in pubg akm is beast on close cambate fight with high damge hit of 47 and its usse 7.62mm ammunition and has 30-rounds magazine size the gun has slow firring rate comparison to others gun and this recoil so high not easy to control.

The AKM inflicts serious damage and can knock enemies down only with a couple of headshots

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